Important Information Before Placing Your Order:
Payment Methods:
We accept T/T (Telegraphic Transfer), Western Union, or L/C (Letter of Credit) at sight.Order Processing Time:
For most orders, production typically takes around 20 days, depending on the quantity.
If the requested size is in stock, we can ship within 2-3 days.
Shipping Options:
For sample orders: We recommend using courier services like DHL, UPS, TNT, or FedEx, or shipping by air.
For bulk orders: We suggest air or sea freight, depending on your preference.
Quality Control:
Our dedicated QC team ensures that every order undergoes thorough inspection and testing before shipment.After-Sales Service:
Our sales team will respond to your inquiries within 24 hours (excluding holidays).
Technical support is always available.
We offer free replacements if the issue is confirmed to be a result of our product quality.